
I'm Antonio

Fullstack developer with +5 years experience

nice to meet you!

I enjoy building things that make a difference, transform my ideas in tangible projects, and help others to do the same.

the fun

Some of my work

Snow Cone UI

In progress

A copy-pase UI components library based in Material You.

Made using Astro, MDX Pages, Radix UI, and Tailwind CSS. Inspired by Shadcn UI project.


The powerhouse platform for connecting visionaries and Cultivating Success.

A project made with Next.js 14 (App Router), Supabase Database and Authentication.


A simple solution to share project's Environment Variables.

Built with Next.js 14 (App Router), Supabase, and Pgsodium for data encryption.


A web application to easily rent and find available parking spots.

As part of the programming team of this SaaS project designed for a Swiss startup that uses the Payrexx API for payment management.

Mahjong Game

A fruity mahjong game made with react.

Have some fun playing solitary mahjong. Made using Shadcn UI Components library.

Customers Management Dashboard

A dashboard for a Personal Certification Company. (Private project)

A complete dashboard for customers management, exams creation and correction, statistics. Built from scratch using React, Firebase and MUI.

Certificates manager

A Personal Certifications manager. (Private project)

A PWA for customers of the Certification Company have access to their certificates and different information, push notifications and more. Built from scratch using React, Firebase and Mantine UI.


A PWA that helps companies to find customers and people to find professionals near them.

An ambitious mobile web application crafted using React for the frontend, combined with MongoDB and GraphQL for a robust backend implementation.

want to know more?

Since you've scrolled down this deeply, I understand that I have awaken your curiosity. So, let me unveil a few more facets of my persona:

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Originally from Spain, my journey has taken me through diverse countries, including New Zealand and now Thailand.

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My first career was in Civil Engineering, and I also have a master degree in Renewable Energies, but I switched to being a developer because I really love coding.

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I'm always on the lookout for fun and interesting projects.

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Design is another thing I enjoy, and I always try to make my projects user-friendly and enjoyable.

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Another of my passions is Football/Soccer, I'm a Real Betis Fan.

If you want to know more about me, or just say hi, you always can send me an email.